The Science Of Killing Weeds In A Safe And Effective Way With Wesley Everman

Hear from a Weed Science expert on Harpe is revolutionizing weed control & sustainable farming
Harpe Bioherbicide Solutions, Inc. Signs License Agreement for CRISPR-Cas9 Genome-Editing Technology with the Broad Institute and Corteva Agriscience

Harpe Bioherbicide Solutions, Inc has executed a joint intellectual property licensing agreement with Corteva Agriscience and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard for foundational CRISPR-Cas9 and related gene editing tools
Mastering Sustainable Weed Control With Stephen Powles

Successfully implement sustainable weed control with diverse strategies for a resilient future. Embrace herbicide diversity, incorporate non-chemical tools, and utilize precision application techniques in agriculture. Learn more now.
The Farmer Ambassador with Kip E. Tom

Explore how farmer-turned-US ambassador, Kip E. Tom, revolutionizes agriculture through education and technology. Break the mold, shape a sustainable food system, and empower farmers worldwide.
The Importance Of Regenerative Agriculture And Soil Science
Dive into the world of regenerative agriculture, soil science, tools for sustainable farming, and the circular economy
Innovative Solutions for Herbicide-Resistant Weeds With Aidan Connolly
Agriculture industry insights from Aidan Connolly on challenges, solutions, and the future of Ag
The Future of Agriculture and Harpe’s Bioherbicide Solutions
In this episode of the Modern Agriculture podcast, Dr. Chad Brommer joins to discuss innovations changing the future of agriculture
Introducing “Modern Agriculture – The Harpe Bioherbicide Podcast”
Announcing the new Modern Agriculture Podcast by Harpe Bioherbicide! Tune in now to hear about cutting-edge developments from expert leaders.
Harpe Bioherbicide Awarded NSF Grant To Study Weed Resistance

Harpe Bio was recently awarded a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) that will fund research using its bioherbicide formulations derived from natural plant extracts to control weeds resistant to synthetic herbicides.
Changing The Weed Resistance Game with Harpe Bioherbicides on “Your Outsourced Ag CTO”
Daniel Pepitone and Chad Brommer, of Harpe Bioherbicides, sit down for an episode of “Your Outsourced Ag CTO” with hosts Kevin Van Trump and Carter Williams. We will discuss thoughts on current investments with Benson Hill, soybean demand moving forward, new ethanol opportunities, acres being converted to solar, Kevin’s favorite commodity trades right now, a […]